2021年2月21日 星期日

My low carb all day breakfast 我的低碳全日早餐

I love cooking and I started to practice low carb diet since Dec 2020. I am happy to share my low carb all day breakfast below.

我喜歡煮野食,在去年12月,我開始接觸低碳飲食。 以下是我想和大家分享的低碳全日早餐。

All day breakfast makes my day. My favorite items for a good morning 🌞 include sunny-side-up eggs, salmon, smoked cheese, avocado and baked bean. It looks colorful. Simple and easy. I will never get tired with eggs. Sometimes, I will substitute the salmon with steak or shrimp. Bell pepper or Portobello or tomato may be used to substitute avocado and/or baked beans. Give up your toast and try these out! We are never running out of choices of food for low carb all day breakfast.

想有個good morning 當然要吃一個豐富的全日早餐(All day breakfast) 。我最愛的全日早餐必備有太陽蛋、三文魚、芝士、牛油果、焗豆。簡單易煮,顏色豐富,吸引眼球。有時,我會用牛扒、蝦取代三文魚。又會用三色椒、啡菇、蕃茄這些食物組合取代牛油果、焗豆。無理由為一塊多士放棄所有低碳、高蛋白食物吧!我們從來不欠缺煮低碳全日早餐的選擇。

